The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Exhibition
The Historical Museum of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the only museum in China that is dedicated to researching the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, holds more than 2,000 pieces/sets of cultural objects of the kingdom, including the Dragon Jacket (a magua with dragon roundels), and the original edition of books printed by the kingdom, amongst other rare treasures. Luo Ergang, the founder of the museum and a master in the research of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom history, presided over the setting up of this exhibition in the 1950s. Mr. Guo Moruo handwrote the exhibition’s name. After several adjustments, the exhibition, through combining general history and special subjects, displays a total of over 400 pieces of cultural objects, covering the political, military, economic, cultural, and diplomatic aspects of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The exhibition vividly describes this major historical event in the late Qing dynasty, and presents a real Taiping Heavenly Kingdom before visitors. The exhibition was rated among China’s Top 10 Boutique Exhibitions for 2000.